Changing lives
every day
Welcome to the Center for Stuttering Therapy, Colorado's leading Stuttering Therapy Center since 1992! Patty Walton in the Denver office and Chelsea Blanchard in the Boulder office, along with the therapists who work with them, have been successfully serving the Colorado community with their knowledge and passion for working with people who stutter. We have made profound changes in the speech and lives of hundreds of children and adults who stutter. We provide effective, caring, personalized stuttering therapy in an inviting, comfortable environment.
In addition to preferred in-person sessions, the Center provides teletherapy services when appropriate.
Learn more about stuttering therapyWhat Others Have Said
"...I was amazed that in such a short time, so much had been accomplished. Ryan's confidence grew - he does public speaking and is a mentor for others who stutter."
-"We are so thankful for Mary and the skills she has taught us. Because of the skills Caleb has learned here, he can speak with confidence and know that people are listening to what he says, not how he says it."
-"The stuttering therapy has been phenomenal, but the increase in my son's confidence is even more profound."
-"Life changing! So thankful for Chelsea for working with me to help my speech fluency."
-"We can’t say enough about Patty’s practice and her other speech therapists, who have also worked with our son."
-"I want you, Mary, to know what a huge, amazing and lasting impact you made on Liam’s life. What a transformation!"
-"Highly recommend! Fabulous, child-centered, developmentally appropriate therapy. We are so glad we found this office! I am over the moon that we found such a reliable and knowledgeable resource to help with stuttering."
Denver Office
Get more information 303-722-0712 Get directionsBoulder Office
Get more information 303-530-9191 Get directions
Meet our therapists
Our Center is staffed by certified and state licensed speech-language pathologists and Board Certified specialists in Fluency who are dedicated to helping people who stutter, of all ages, find their voice. In addition, we provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for all disorders of speech, including articulation, language, phonological process, to name a few.

Teen & Adult Stuttering
Our therapy for teens and adults follows a multidimensional approach that effectively addresses all aspects of stuttering. We believe in helping people who stutter achieve functional fluency- saying what you want, when you want and how you want to say it. We combine fluency shaping, modification and cognitive therapy strategies to design a comprehensive program to fit individual needs.

Additional Resources
Gain confidence in your ability to help young children who stutter by using our groundbreaking manual. The authors now share their successful approach to direct stuttering therapy in book form. Their enthusiasm is catching and their clinical instincts unerring. The easy-to-read, fun-to-follow format provides a wealth of information addressing: